Sunny pet adoption updates to brighten your day

Tabby and white cat in a home setting
Read all about 100-pound dog zoomies, playful puppy antics, and a super-charged cat purr.
By Best Friends staff

One of the greatest joys we have is to keep in touch with adopters and hear how things are going in a pet’s new home. It is, after all, the whole idea — from the moment a pet ends up in a shelter, the goal is to help them right back into a home.

Getting adopted is only the first step in the rest of an animal’s life. It’s the beginning of big and beautiful things, and that’s why it’s so much fun to get a glimpse of life from home. Here are just a few of the fun recent updates about dogs and cats adopted from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.

Magazine covers

Full of inspiration and positivity, Best Friends magazine is full of uplifting tales, gorgeous photos and helpful advice.
When you become a member of Best Friends Animal Society by making a donation of $25 or more to the animals, you’ll receive Best Friends magazine for a year. Inside, you’ll read about what Best Friends is doing to save the lives of homeless pets nationwide. 

Roman, adopted by Tamsin

Roman is almost 100 pounds and still growing. I’ve gotten really good at getting out of his way when he’s zooming around the yard — or he’ll take me out. He flipped my couch with his zooms, so we now have to stay calm in the house. He’s a super-sized space heater at night, so I have to turn my AC on sometimes. He’s the goofiest dog I’ve ever had, and I am obsessed with him!

Bobby, adopted by Hanna Jane

Bobby has been settling beautifully into our home. He has gotten progressively better with potty training, as he’s watching the other pups and their routines. He loves boxes and tears them up with his little razor teeth. He can go zero to 100 in a split second, which has been super funny to watch and experience. He loves all the toys we have and plays very contentedly with himself, tossing everything around and going full zoom-mode in the living room.

Jersey Tiger, adopted by Jeranee

Jersey Tiger is just the best kitty ever. He gets along super well with everyone he meets and is very friendly with the other cats in our home. He loves to chase you around the house and snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie. Every night, he curls up in my arms and we go to sleep; his purr is super loud and adorable. He has been such a great friend.

Nosferatu, adopted by Milica and Jovan

After a long journey to Washington, D.C., Nosferatu is doing great! He has settled in really well. We are so happy to have our new family member and all love him so much!

This article was originally published in the May/June 2024 issue of Best Friends magazine. Want more good news? Become a member and get stories like this six times a year.

Let's make every shelter and every community no-kill by 2025

Our goal at Best Friends is to support all animal shelters in the U.S. in reaching no-kill by 2025. No-kill means saving every dog and cat in a shelter who can be saved, accounting for community safety and good quality of life for pets. 

Shelter staff can’t do it alone. Saving animals in shelters is everyone’s responsibility, and it takes support and participation from the community. No-kill is possible when we work together thoughtfully, honestly, and collaboratively.

Silhouette of two dogs, cat and kitten

You can help save homeless pets

You can help end the killing in shelters and save the lives of homeless pets when you foster, adopt, and advocate for the dogs and cats who need it most.

Saving lives around the country

Together, we're creating compassionate no-kill communities nationwide for pets and the people who care for them.

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